
Lühmann, Tobias

Collective Actions and Redress in Europe

350,00 €

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A Handbook

C.H. Beck
1. Aufl. 2025 / ca. 1500 S.


Termin: Mai 2025


Reihe: Kooperationswerke Beck - Hart - Nomos

The Representative Actions Directive 2020/1828 (RAD) marks a new era of collective redress in Europe, requiring the 27 Member States of the European Union to introduce representative actions, both for injunctive measures and for redress measures. Despite the aim of the RAD to create a level playing field for businesses and ensure a high level of consumer protection throughout the European Union, national rules on collective redress will continue to take many different forms. The handbook provides clarity on the applicable rules of collective redress in the 27 Member States as well as England and Wales. The 28 country reports contain short overviews and detailed descriptions of the different instruments of collective redress available in each jurisdiction, accompanied by a comparative overview and analysis that offers a concise outline of what to expect from collective actions and collective redress in Europe after the transposition of the RAD.